This is England - Lycée Aristide Briand (LGT-LP) Évreux

This is England

, par Antoine Vaillant - Format PDF Enregistrer au format PDF

On Tuesday 22nd November the classes of TLOG ,TCV1 and TCV2 went to the short film festival « This is England ».

This is a British festival that presents nine short films. The first short film was « Old windows », it talks about a special meeting between a coffee owner (Kerri) and an old man(Larry). The old man asks many questions.
These questions were personal. At the end we understand that the old man is a family member of the young woman. It is very emotional.
We liked the short movie and it received an award. The other short movie we liked are « Punch Dunk » and « Switched ».
The short movie were all different. They talk about different topics such as : abandon, representation, war and traditions. It was a pleasant moment for us !

Article written by the TLOG

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